...and other oddities of the great outback

...and other oddities of the great outback
one of the smaller frogs in my toilet...

Thursday, May 6, 2010

May 7, 2010

LOOK at what was in my kitchen yesterday!

That, my friends, is a yellow bellied python. Jet tells me that this is what happens when you have too many frogs in your kitchen. Jet has been on my case for a few days now to let him 'relocate' some of my froggy friends. Alas, three of them have now been relocated to Mr. Python's stomach (if you look closely you can see the bumps in the snake). Most of the rest made a mad dash for safety, which was actually pretty funny to see. Don't worry -- it's not a dangerous snake. Unless you're a frog, that is.

Here's a picture in memory of my froggy friends:

We have a few days off, starting tomorrow. It's time to move camp to Milgara station. I have been promised a much nicer kitchen setup at this next station, but I have also been told the internet is much spottier. I promise to update as soon as possible, though!


  1. Saw a little tiny frog under our deck today when I was mowing the lawn. Reminded me of you! Are there as many frogs living with you at Milgara Station?

  2. Heaps and heaps! At least 'til the pythons eat them all!
