...and other oddities of the great outback

...and other oddities of the great outback
one of the smaller frogs in my toilet...

Sunday, April 25, 2010

First day of work... a new adventure begins!

April 19, 2010

So here we are at Magowra Station. It's a beautiful day, that looks like it's working itself up to be another scorcher: the sun is shining, the dogs are barking (as they do pretty much continuously), and the birds are chirping.

We're camped beside Magowra station's homestead. There are nine of us in all. The youngest two (both 16) are sleeping in tents while the rest of us sleep in our hrse trailers. This is not nearly as primitive as it sounds -- at least not Jet's and my case -- we have a double bed with a mosquito net canopy, a large fan, a bedside table, shelving and a 'walk in closet.' There is a fairly nice vacant house right beside our camp. We use the toilet and the shower in there: the toilet is not flushing, which is kind of annoying. We have to use a bucket to flush it manually.

We've been here at Magowra for two days now, but this is my first day of work. I’m alone in camp, as everyone else has headed off for the day. On the schedule for today:
-clean the shower and the toilet
-make corned beef
-bake cookies or cupcakes
-make dinner: shepherds pie and a dessert, maybe?
-play the mandolin
-do laundry

Gosh, I lead a hard life. By the way, I'm a cook, if you didn't know.

And now, for our photo of the day, a Kelpie puppy that is tied up beside the kitchen:


  1. Don't see the puppy. And when did you take up the mandolin? Can you actually play it?

  2. My internet connection keeps timing out when I try to upload the pictures... And Jet gave me his mandolin. I'm working on it. Right now my skill is pretty basic.
