...and other oddities of the great outback

...and other oddities of the great outback
one of the smaller frogs in my toilet...

Monday, April 26, 2010

April 24, 2010

I have seen 3 dogs wandering around camp this morning… a black dog, a patchy dog, and a brown one. I am not sure if they are ours or not, as I haven’t really taken the time to get to know them all personally. I know that Sarah aka ’Susie’ and Bree aka ‘George’ came by and took some dogs, but I have no idea which ones. Went and looked in Bree’s kennel, and there are no dogs there, which means two of them could be her and Jake‘s.

…Bree came back: two of them were indeed her dogs.

A smell has been wafting into my kitchen all day. It smells like something rotting. I keep pausing to smell myself, just to confirm that the smell isn’t me. I saw one of the random dogs rolling in something earlier, and have to wonder if that’s it.
In other news, the ants have discovered my kitchen. Ants are another thing I have had to get adjusted to. Of course we have ants in Canada… But the ants in Australia, much like the frogs, are of a different breed. I first encountered them in full force while I was witnessing on Long Island in the Whitsundays: if anyone dropped food on the floor, it was swarmed by ants within minutes. It took me a while to get used to the fact that I couldn’t leave a bag of chips on my desk while I went into the other room -- anything not sealed tight or refrigerated they get into. Now they are in my dishes and all over my counters. Jet gave me some heavy duty bug killer, but whenever I spray them, they just divert their efforts in a new direction. Gah.

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