...and other oddities of the great outback

...and other oddities of the great outback
one of the smaller frogs in my toilet...

Sunday, July 4, 2010

I spent this morning following behind Jet as he hacked at exposed tree roots with an axe and I gathered up the severed roots and dragged them off to the side. Jack, Jet's dad, has already tilled the area with his tractor. He'll be using the area to train a few horses for the next week or so, and then I have been promised that I can plant some pumpkins and potatoes.

We've been taking a lot of walks, lately. Here's what we came across on a walk a few weeks ago:

Birdseye peppers. Boy, oh boy are these things hot! Out of curiousity, I split one open and licked it and it burned like anything. They are what gives Olga Martell's Tomato Relish its lovely zing, though. Jet and I made three big jarfulls of it, and in the course of a week have gone through one and a half.

I'll close this post off with a picture of the present Jet brought me from his visit to the garbage dump last night:

So to sum things up, I am becoming a real stick-picking, preserve making, wildflower-wearing pioneer woman.


  1. Would you like me to send you some pumpkin seeds from the biggest pumpkins in Atlantic Canada?
