...and other oddities of the great outback

...and other oddities of the great outback
one of the smaller frogs in my toilet...

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Check out what greeted me when I went to the toilet this morning:

Jet and I moved house a few days ago. We are now living in a very nice three bedroom house (which we have all to ourselves!) on a cattle station outside of Julia Creek. Our new employers seem like private people, so since this blog is open to the public I'm not going to say the name of the station, nor our employers.

I am mostly working with the lady of the house: I do some cleaning, cooking and yardwork. I spend a lot of the day outside, which is the way I like it!

My new employer tells me that most nights she goes outside with a bucket of hot water and gather up frogs. She says it's a good day when she boils 20. I'm not too keen on it, but Jet has told me not to think 'cute frog' when I look at the frogs, but rather to think 'snake,' because where there are plenty of frogs, snakes will soon follow (as I learned in my kitchen in Normanton!). Yesterday morning, Jet told me he saw a frog cruising down our hallway when he opened the bedroom door, and this morning there was one sitting by the front door waiting to be let outside.

Anyhow, enough about the frogs! Here are some pictures of our new house:

It's a nice old house: very open with lots of windows! In the Australian outback, most cattle station jobs come with some sort of accomodation. The house is ours, free of charge, for as long as we work for the station. The freezer is full of meat, which again, is ours free of charge. There's a veggie patch at the back of our house, just adjacent to the laundry. It's too late in the season to plant anything now, but I'm hoping we'll be here next year.